TRIO Blog // Shoulder Rehab

Post-surgery therapy is a recovery benefit that most understand, but prehabilitation, not as well known, can be just as beneficial to recovery outcomes after surgery. In fact, recent studies have shown that prerehab can lead to shortened hospital stays and improved pain immediately after surgery....

At Trio Rehab, we have been seeing a significant number of people coming to the clinic due to preventable shoulder pain. Common causes of shoulder pain include trying to return to heavy weightlifting too quickly, excessive overhead activity, poor posture, and weakness associated with the...

As a Certified Hand Therapist, I see lots of people each year with shoulder pain. They usually make their way into seeing me after being referred by their doctor because their shoulder hurts. If you are like the majority of my clients, struggling with nagging...

What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? One of the most common complaints from the middle-aged, is shoulder pain. A frequent source of that pain is a torn rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that lay over the head of the humerus...

Shoulder pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal conditions treated by a physical therapist. This is because nearly 40 percent of people will experience shoulder pain at some point in their lifetime. We as individuals are extremely complex, and the shoulder is an intricate joint....