Understanding Dizziness Symptoms & Disorders

Dizziness or loss of balance is a common complaint among those age 70 or older. Dizziness can be categorized into two categories; motion intolerance (vertigo) and a persistent sense of unsteadiness. Fortunately, these dizziness symptoms can be managed, so there is hope for you if you experience dizziness.

Below are some of the most common dizziness disorders and related signs and symptoms:

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

At times, salt-like crystals called otoliths can break free from an area in the inner ear and float to an area where they do not belong.

Dizziness symptoms of BPPV:
• Attacks of vertigo with quick head movement
• Dizziness with rolling in and out of bed
• Dizziness when simply looking up

Central Dizziness

Blood flow changes within the brain caused by stroke, “mini” strokes, migraines, or trauma can affect the ability of the arteries, which supplies blood to the vestibular connections.

Dizziness symptoms of Central Dizziness:
• Long-lasting vertigo
• Difficulty swallowing
• Headaches

Meniere’s Disease

Considered a chronic, incurable disorder of the inner ear.

Dizziness symptoms of Meniere’s Disease :
• Hearing loss
• Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
• A feeling of fullness in the ear


This “catch-all” term is used to include balance loss due to changes to one or more of three of the ways our bodies know how to balance (including the inner ear, visual system, and somatosensory system).

Dizziness symptoms of Dysequilibrium:
• Loss of surefootedness
• Difficulty walking
• Using the furniture/walls to balance
• Trouble transitioning surfaces, such as moving from carpet to tile


When there is an imbalance in the output signals between the inner ears due to natural aging, trauma or a disease process.

Dizziness symptoms of Vestibulopathy:
• Positional vertigo
• A sense of motion with rapid head movement
• Motion intolerance

Cervical Dizziness

Inflammatory or degenerative changes in the neck can cause Cervical Dizziness.

Dizziness symptoms of Cervical Dizziness:
• Dizziness after bending the neck forward
• Tense neck muscles
• Limited neck movement
• Pain in the head or arms may be present

We can help!

At TRIO, our physical therapy treatment plan starts with an exam. We’ll ask about symptoms, medications, and assess how you walk and maintain your balance. We’ll also monitor and pay close attention to dangerous signs of dizziness, including significant changes in headache frequency/intensity, changes in vision, speech or the ability to swallow, or significant nausea and vomiting. To learn more about treating dizziness with physical or occupational therapy, give us a call.


Suzanne McCrum

Suzanne McCrum, PT, DPT, CSRS, AIB (American Institute of Balance)
Trio Rehabilitation & Wellness Solutions
Boerne, Texas
